
Shatter the Glass Ceiling


Client: HeForShe

It’s no secret that many women experience the glass ceiling in the workplace, yet nothing has changed to fix it. So, I created a campaign to make the C-Suite executives, predominantly men, be confronted with how it feels to hit a glass ceiling. Literally.


A microsite that makes the glass ceiling of any company visible. The Glass Ceiling Calculator allows visitors to search any company to calculate the height of it’s glass ceiling based on an algorithm. Visitors can find out statistics about that company and see what the height of their company’s glass ceiling means.


The Glass Ceiling Calculator is a microsite that calculates any company’s glass ceiling. Visitors can scroll to start a search…

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…and type any company’s name in the search box.

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For example, the user can type “Facebook” and click search.

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A building will appear with different colored windows.

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Users can click the colored windows in the middle of the page to read what each window represents.

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Users can hover their mouse over the colored windows on the building to reveal statistics about their chosen company. If users scroll..


They can see the height of their chosen company’s glass ceiling and read what the height means. At the bottom, they can see where their company measures on the glass ceiling scale.

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On International Women’s Day, HeForShe is partnering with the top 10 Fortune 500 companies to create a stunt to make the invisible glass ceiling metaphor become a visible barrier. At these companies, elevators will prematurely stop before reaching the leadership floors within the building.

During this day, executives and senior leaders at these companies will experience what it feels like to reach the glass ceiling, an issue women face in the workplace everyday.

This stunt will be recorded by hidden cameras in the buildings and elevators. The footage will be be used to create a video that will be broadcasted on HeForShe’s website and social media platforms.

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Employees will enter the elevator.


At floor 30, where the leadership floors start, the elevators will stop.

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Once the elevator stops, the speaker will announce, “This elevator has reached the glass ceiling that most women experience in their career. The HeForShe organization doing this in the elevators of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies to raise awareness about the invisible barrier that stops women from getting leadership positions in the workplace.

In the top 10 Fortune 500 companies, the female leadership is only 29%. Your company has __%. But, that number should be better. We want the people in leadership here to start seeking out and hiring more females in leadership. Something to ponder during your walk up to your floor.”

The elevator doors will open.


There will be QR codes on the posters so they can scan the code with their phone and receive a digital brochure to learn about more ways they can help break the glass ceiling.


People will take the stairs the rest of the way up to their desired floor. Posters will be hung on the walls of the stairways so the executives and leaders of the company can read about ways they can help break the glass ceiling.